Tuesday, 17 April 2007


I am down and safe. In the middle of nowhere, with limited net access. There is a fantastic supermarket of joy and a shop that sells me bagels and coffee. Best of all - the silence. Yesterday I knocked out 5000 words and still had time to sit around reading about Jane Austen.


Ika said...

::dies of envy::

Una McCormack said...

Ika, it is amazing. I'm sitting down for four hours every morning and the words are pouring out. Everything is so peaceful and so quiet, it's like my mind has finally had the chance to rest that it's been longing for for months now. Fingers crossed it keeps on this way.

(PS: Your email got through safe and sound tho' I've not been online long enough to answer it properly. Will do ASAP.)

Ika said...

Dude, that's great - I'm very happy for you (as well as well as envious). Yayy for the installation of the Great Conduit between Una's brane and the computer!

Anna said...

Ohhh. Sounds wonderful. Long may it continue!